Tuesday, September 23, 2008


Well, October is a great month. I like because it usually marks the beginning of hoody weather. Some may call it sweater weather, but I prefer hoodys. I wish they made business casual hoodys for men like they do for women. Maybe I can get one from SAFEHOME.

Oh well, there are already 4 events scheduled for October. 3 of them in a row! There is still an open invite to anyone who wants an art car car at their next event.

Quick! before I start charging!


Monday, September 8, 2008

Rain, Rain, Go away!

Nothing is worse for a chalk board car than insensate rain. (I hope I am using that word right?)
It has rained for the last few days pretty hard and all of the FF mural is gone, except for a little bit of the whale.

I look forward to the next event. I am thinking of setting up an events calendar so people could know where I will be.

Maybe no one cares though?...


Saturday, September 6, 2008

mobile expression 4

Last night's mural may have been the quickest lived one yet. I finally left around 9:30 and after waking up this afternoon around 2, it is all gone...

The rain took it away as I explained to so many people last night. Fortunately I took 113 pictures of the evening, so if you wrote on the car you probably have a picture of yourself doing so.

Check out the photos and don't be afraid to leave comments.

Weird stuff that happened last night:
An anarchist(not that there's anything wrong with that) (who might have also had some mental illness issues as well) decided to "draw" all over everyone's art, supposedly in an artistic way? Very peculiar. I felt like intervening, but at the same time, I felt that this is what you get with public art: public artists. Everyone is invited: from McCain supporters, Obama supporters, sweet little kids who want to spend 20 minutes drawing their masterpieces much to their parents dismay, to the socially awkward anarchists that to a socially and civic-minded person seems very unfortunate, everyone is invited.

I met an art teacher from Blue Springs named Dennis who seems like a great guy. We talked for a bit and he drew on the car.

My aunt, sister-in-law, wife, and about 6 friends came out to hang out.

No weird lady's from Wichita this time though!

Thanks once again to everyone who drew on the car. Without you, it would just be a black car!
